Dragon Juice Vitamin C Face Mask, With Dragon Fruit, Watermelon Extract and Ginger Mint
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Our Dragon Fruit face mask is fun and effective. It goes on a deep pinkish purple color but will not stain your skin. The color comes from the pure Dragon Fruit Powder used in this product. Watermelon is an important ingredient as well. What makes watermelon a must-have is its lycopene. Lycopene is responsible for the deep red color of the watermelon fruit, and it is one of the most potent antioxidants in skin care. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize the free radicals that are found in the environment. According to the latest anti-aging research, free radicals are a primary factor that causes the degradation of structural proteins. These proteins are the building blocks that are responsible for providing the skin's support and elasticity. As the concentration of these structural proteins decreases, the skin’s overall appearance also degrades appearing aged, dull and wrinkled. Nevertheless, the damage that is caused by free radicals has also been shown to slow down cellular metabolism while simultaneously damaging the cell’s DNA and membranes. This damage can further accelerate the aging process, which unfortunately reduces the possibility of achieving a flawless complexion. In addition to lycopene, watermelon contains antioxidants Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which can help reduce skin inflammation, improve skin pigmentation, and promote healthy collagen production.